It's becoming increasingly clear that the quality of customer service has a direct impact on the success or failure of a business.

This web site will give you the key tools needed to acheive successful and effective customer service.

The pages cover the range from practical hints and tips, through checklists and case studies to the theoretical background and relevant academic models. The recomended book list is a shortlist of the best customer service books around. I've read and used them all. I've included links so you can order the books straight from the page!

Each article explores one aspect of customer service. Together they form an overview of customer service and provide you with a complete service improvement toolkit

    Making customer service work
    Theoretical Background
    Practical stuff

The best customer service books, ever!- a Customer Service reading list with on-line ordering

Measuring how you're doing - hard measures of "soft" factors

    Quick Wins
    (c) 04/09/99 Aleks de Gromoboy

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